Request: An old S5 hosted Profibus system

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Request: An old S5 hosted Profibus system

Post by brns23 »


Could someone send me the program called "Com Et 200"?
I need it to reconfigure an IM 308B type Profibus DP master. (or rapidshare please)

Can I use "comet200" in Win2000? We have a Field PG in the plant,
Does the comet200 program work with the Field PG's internal
memory prommer to read and burn the EEPROM of the IM 308B?
Naturally with an S5 prog adapter.


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Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:32 am
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Post by Alexsan »


It has COMET100 y ET200, it works from Step5 software (your PG has installed), in the folder COMET100, there is a small way to start the software.

I try to use with my PG, but didn´t recognize the file from the memory cartridge; also, it can´t find the IM308B card.

If you have troubles, I can share COMPROFIBUS, it runs on Windows XP, but only works on older PG´s.
