[LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
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- Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:14 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
English http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... 0%23p41070
Under W7 x64 native tablet does not work - if you disable UAC hardlock not start - issued a system error 1275, but ...
All earned by W7 Ultimate x64. The drug took away: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0 .
The only thing I would like - to correct statement:
For normal installation, you must disable UAC.
1. Install Eplan P8, required setting the "management rights" from the "examples / basic data" if the installation does not deliver, it just pops up and the message: "Information Rights Management is currently unavailable. The database file is missing or broken access to the file. As to infringement can not be established unequivocally, it is impossible to run the program.
2. Copy the license file (SN-U10225.EGF) from folder to folder EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 C: \ User \ Public \ Eplan \ Common \;
3. Remove driver protection HL Hasp Control Panel - Programs and Features (Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable);
4. Install newer drivers HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. 5189.reg run the file and add data to the registry;
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;
7. Run a test mode in Windows 7 x64 dseo13b.exe running the program and the radio button for "Enable Test Mode".
By the way, just note that here also provides the opposite effect "Disable Test Mode", disable the test mode;
8. In one corner will display "Test Mode Windows 7 Rekease 7600;
9. 9. Run the program dseo13b.exe;
10. 10. Add a digital signature for the driver Multikey.
To do this, select "Sign a System File" and enter the filename including the full path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ multikey.sys, test mode does not turn off!
11. Reboot your computer;
12. Start the EPLAN Electric P8 and enjoy his work
In Russian
Под W7 x64 родная таблетка не действует - при отключении UAC hardlock не запускается - выдается системная ошибка 1275, но...
Под W7 Ultimate x64 все заработало. Лекарство взял отсюда: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0.
Единственное что хотелось бы - поправить инструкцию:
Для нормальной установки необходимо отключить UAC.
1. Устанавливаем Eplan P8, обязательно установив "управление правами" из раздела "примеры/основные данные" если при установке не поставить, то как раз и выскакивает сообщение: "Данные управления правами в настоящий момент недоступны. Файл базы данных отсутствует, либо нарушен доступ к этому файлу. Поскольку причину нарушения не удается установить однозначно, запустить программу невозможно."
2. Копируем файл лицензии (SN-U10225.EGF) из папки EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 в папку C:\User\Public\Eplan\Common\;
3. Удаляем драйвер защиты HL Hasp в Панель управления - Программы и компоненты(правой кнопкой по Eplan License Manager - Изменить, далее сделать недоступным драйвер аппаратного ключа);
4. Устанавливаем более новые драйвера HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. Запускаем файл 5189.reg и добавляем данные в реестр;
6. Запускаем установку драйвера Multikey - эмулятора из папки Release\MultiKey64\install.cmd;
7. Включаем тестовый режим Windows 7 x64 запустив программу dseo13b.exe и установив переключатель в положение "Enable Test Mode". Кстати, сразу отметим, что здесь же предусмотрено обратное действие "Disable Test Mode", отключающее тестовый режим;
8. Перезагружаем компьютер. В углу появится надпись “Тестовый режим Windows 7 Cборка 7600”;
9. Запускаем программу dseo13b.exe;
10. Добавляем цифровую подпись для драйвера Multikey. Для этого выбираем "Sign a System File" и вводим имя файла, включая полный путь C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\multikey.sys, тестовый режим не выключаем!!!
11. Перезагружаем компьютер;
12. Запускаем EPLAN Electric P8 и наслаждаемся его работой
Under W7 x64 native tablet does not work - if you disable UAC hardlock not start - issued a system error 1275, but ...
All earned by W7 Ultimate x64. The drug took away: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0 .
The only thing I would like - to correct statement:
For normal installation, you must disable UAC.
1. Install Eplan P8, required setting the "management rights" from the "examples / basic data" if the installation does not deliver, it just pops up and the message: "Information Rights Management is currently unavailable. The database file is missing or broken access to the file. As to infringement can not be established unequivocally, it is impossible to run the program.
2. Copy the license file (SN-U10225.EGF) from folder to folder EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 C: \ User \ Public \ Eplan \ Common \;
3. Remove driver protection HL Hasp Control Panel - Programs and Features (Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable);
4. Install newer drivers HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. 5189.reg run the file and add data to the registry;
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;
7. Run a test mode in Windows 7 x64 dseo13b.exe running the program and the radio button for "Enable Test Mode".
By the way, just note that here also provides the opposite effect "Disable Test Mode", disable the test mode;
8. In one corner will display "Test Mode Windows 7 Rekease 7600;
9. 9. Run the program dseo13b.exe;
10. 10. Add a digital signature for the driver Multikey.
To do this, select "Sign a System File" and enter the filename including the full path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ multikey.sys, test mode does not turn off!
11. Reboot your computer;
12. Start the EPLAN Electric P8 and enjoy his work
In Russian
Под W7 x64 родная таблетка не действует - при отключении UAC hardlock не запускается - выдается системная ошибка 1275, но...
Под W7 Ultimate x64 все заработало. Лекарство взял отсюда: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0.
Единственное что хотелось бы - поправить инструкцию:
Для нормальной установки необходимо отключить UAC.
1. Устанавливаем Eplan P8, обязательно установив "управление правами" из раздела "примеры/основные данные" если при установке не поставить, то как раз и выскакивает сообщение: "Данные управления правами в настоящий момент недоступны. Файл базы данных отсутствует, либо нарушен доступ к этому файлу. Поскольку причину нарушения не удается установить однозначно, запустить программу невозможно."
2. Копируем файл лицензии (SN-U10225.EGF) из папки EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 в папку C:\User\Public\Eplan\Common\;
3. Удаляем драйвер защиты HL Hasp в Панель управления - Программы и компоненты(правой кнопкой по Eplan License Manager - Изменить, далее сделать недоступным драйвер аппаратного ключа);
4. Устанавливаем более новые драйвера HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. Запускаем файл 5189.reg и добавляем данные в реестр;
6. Запускаем установку драйвера Multikey - эмулятора из папки Release\MultiKey64\install.cmd;
7. Включаем тестовый режим Windows 7 x64 запустив программу dseo13b.exe и установив переключатель в положение "Enable Test Mode". Кстати, сразу отметим, что здесь же предусмотрено обратное действие "Disable Test Mode", отключающее тестовый режим;
8. Перезагружаем компьютер. В углу появится надпись “Тестовый режим Windows 7 Cборка 7600”;
9. Запускаем программу dseo13b.exe;
10. Добавляем цифровую подпись для драйвера Multikey. Для этого выбираем "Sign a System File" и вводим имя файла, включая полный путь C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\multikey.sys, тестовый режим не выключаем!!!
11. Перезагружаем компьютер;
12. Запускаем EPLAN Electric P8 и наслаждаемся его работой
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:20 pm
- Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Does anybody have crack with 3d import option for Eplan 2.0 . Operation system XP x64
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:21 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
I made all until this step:
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;
... and obtain a dos windows saying:
"No devices were removed
devcon failed."
and in effect i can't find any multikey file in the c:windows/system32 nor in c:windows/sysWOW64
have you any idea about the problem? my system is of course win7 64bit professional
strangely the "install.cmd" in the MultiKey32 directory seem to work, ... no message error but no multikeys file in any case is installed where it have to
pls anyone can help?
eplan p8 2.0 can work or not under windows 7 64bit (sincerely still i haven't understood this)
thx for your work
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;
... and obtain a dos windows saying:
"No devices were removed
devcon failed."
and in effect i can't find any multikey file in the c:windows/system32 nor in c:windows/sysWOW64
have you any idea about the problem? my system is of course win7 64bit professional
strangely the "install.cmd" in the MultiKey32 directory seem to work, ... no message error but no multikeys file in any case is installed where it have to
pls anyone can help?
eplan p8 2.0 can work or not under windows 7 64bit (sincerely still i haven't understood this)
thx for your work
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:45 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
how can i get eplan electric and cabinet work together.
if i use the setup.bat i can't run cabinet until i start dongle service. if i start this dongle emulator the electric give me no licence.
version 2.0.5 have two seperate cracks can't be together in same time.
version 1.9.5 have the same crack. and it works perfectly.
if i use the setup.bat i can't run cabinet until i start dongle service. if i start this dongle emulator the electric give me no licence.
version 2.0.5 have two seperate cracks can't be together in same time.
version 1.9.5 have the same crack. and it works perfectly.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:20 pm
- Location: Europe
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hi,Only2006 wrote:I made all until this step:
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;...
I had the same problem. You must copy all files from directory \MultiKey64 to \Windows\system32 and then start install.cmd
After this its work fine.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:04 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Can you please tell me how to stop all emulators and cracks once I already run setup? I have original dongle but now it does not work. How can I stop this emulator and run eplan with my original dongle?
If i delete SN-U10225.EGF from common folder it does nothing.
If i delete SN-U10225.EGF from common folder it does nothing.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:28 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
cracking of this program do not understand ...how this program cracking??? As illustrated explanation of..please..
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 8:00 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Can anybody help me?
I've got already installed P8 1.9.10 (3725) and Cabinet 1.9.5 (or .6 don't remember now) + 5.5 or 5.7 - doesn't matter. I installed P8 2.0.5 4602 w/o any problems, I copied all .FST and .EFG to the folders where they should be and...
when clicking EPlan 2.0 icon twice - nothing happens. Task manager shows for a few seconds that W3U.EXE starts, but suddenly it disappears.
Why can't I even see EPLAN starting screen?
What am I doing wrong? Should I firstly remove old 1.9.10 version, before I install 2.0 or what?
Dongle emulator 1.9 is stopped and disabled.
I forgot to write : system is WinXP SP2...
I've got already installed P8 1.9.10 (3725) and Cabinet 1.9.5 (or .6 don't remember now) + 5.5 or 5.7 - doesn't matter. I installed P8 2.0.5 4602 w/o any problems, I copied all .FST and .EFG to the folders where they should be and...
when clicking EPlan 2.0 icon twice - nothing happens. Task manager shows for a few seconds that W3U.EXE starts, but suddenly it disappears.
Why can't I even see EPLAN starting screen?
What am I doing wrong? Should I firstly remove old 1.9.10 version, before I install 2.0 or what?
Dongle emulator 1.9 is stopped and disabled.
I forgot to write : system is WinXP SP2...
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 8:00 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Nobody knows the answer for my question?
Maybe the problem is with some hardware requirement (?).
Eplan official website is "under reconstruction", so I can't check what are minimum system requirements to start P8 2.0.
But is it possible that 2.0 needs much more "power" than 1.9 SP1?
I found the reason of the problem. EPLAN 2.0 works only at processors with SSE2, so my old XP2500+ Barton can't run this program :/ .
Maybe the problem is with some hardware requirement (?).
Eplan official website is "under reconstruction", so I can't check what are minimum system requirements to start P8 2.0.
But is it possible that 2.0 needs much more "power" than 1.9 SP1?
I found the reason of the problem. EPLAN 2.0 works only at processors with SSE2, so my old XP2500+ Barton can't run this program :/ .
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- Location: Germany
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
i can´t make it work on Win7 x64. i don´t understand what you mean with "Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable"
"Right click on Eplan License Manager - Edit" this is clear so far, but the rest is very bad english....
what do you mean with " then do the hardware key driver is unavailable" ???
i can´t make it work on Win7 x64. i don´t understand what you mean with "Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable"
"Right click on Eplan License Manager - Edit" this is clear so far, but the rest is very bad english....
what do you mean with " then do the hardware key driver is unavailable" ???
- Posts: 94
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- Location: Bosnia&Hercegovina
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Deimos wrote:Hi
i can´t make it work on Win7 x64. i don´t understand what you mean with "Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable"
"Right click on Eplan License Manager - Edit" this is clear so far, but the rest is very bad english....
what do you mean with " then do the hardware key driver is unavailable" ???
hi, new solution is released in this site http://www.eplan-eb2.ys168.com/ try new solution then post again.
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- Location: Germany
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Thank you very much for your answer. But your manual is in chinese! i don´t understand your manual.
Thank you very much for your answer. But your manual is in chinese! i don´t understand your manual.
- Posts: 94
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- Location: Bosnia&Hercegovina
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
http://x7.to/l4jxqs try thisDeimos wrote:Hi
Thank you very much for your answer. But your manual is in chinese! i don´t understand your manual.
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- Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:56 pm
- Location: Germany
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
i could not fix it this way. Strange; on an other system, the crack worked fine, on mine, it doesn´t. After every reboot, the device manager showed the "SafeNet Hardlock key" with a "!". i tried several hours, but nothing worked. I had to copy all important files from the first system to mine, reboot, and worked.
Thanx anyway for your affort.
Thanx anyway for your affort.
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- Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:07 am
- Location: Europe
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
I tryed to install Eplan P8 Installation went fine but when i am trying to open Eplan it is asking me to validate a licence. I have also intall the SP1 patch. Can you please help me guys. Thank you
I tryed to install Eplan P8 Installation went fine but when i am trying to open Eplan it is asking me to validate a licence. I have also intall the SP1 patch. Can you please help me guys. Thank you
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- Location: Europe
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
hello, please can anybody help me. I am trying to install it on window 7 professionel.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:33 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
i have been using Eplan 1.9.6 but have been some time since the last time i used it so i am not completely up to date on what is going on with Eplan.
I just downloaded the new one 2.0. I want to know how is it with the Eplan 2.0 and Eplan cabinet. Is there also a new version of Cabinet or is it working with the old one???
Thank you very much!
i have been using Eplan 1.9.6 but have been some time since the last time i used it so i am not completely up to date on what is going on with Eplan.
I just downloaded the new one 2.0. I want to know how is it with the Eplan 2.0 and Eplan cabinet. Is there also a new version of Cabinet or is it working with the old one???
Thank you very much!
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- Location: Minas Gerais, Brazil
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Tanks man !!
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:14 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
As far as I understand, installation should be started without those "Test mode", it should be enabled only after certain steps. Maybe thats just your case.
By the way, to enyone, who is annoyed with "test mode". First link google gave me was: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/200 ... 4-bit-x64/ with description of few methods. I like this one: http://www.citadelindustries.net/ReadyDriverPlus/ . But in this case you might be annoyed with modified loader.
By the way, to enyone, who is annoyed with "test mode". First link google gave me was: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/200 ... 4-bit-x64/ with description of few methods. I like this one: http://www.citadelindustries.net/ReadyDriverPlus/ . But in this case you might be annoyed with modified loader.
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:45 am
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
please experts
do me a favor and tell me how to use this with windows 7 x64. I'm working with eplan for the last four years. i knew the crack of setup.bat working but only in x86.
some one can do a simple video for it or some screen shots.
i'm trying the long way for one month till now. each time i said may be i do a mistake but i could't get it work. someone confirm that it work with windows 7 x64
"3. Remove driver protection HL Hasp Control Panel - Programs and Features (Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable)"
there is no license manager only eplan licence client. some can help me?
do me a favor and tell me how to use this with windows 7 x64. I'm working with eplan for the last four years. i knew the crack of setup.bat working but only in x86.
some one can do a simple video for it or some screen shots.
i'm trying the long way for one month till now. each time i said may be i do a mistake but i could't get it work. someone confirm that it work with windows 7 x64
"3. Remove driver protection HL Hasp Control Panel - Programs and Features (Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable)"
there is no license manager only eplan licence client. some can help me?
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:19 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hi all,
This week i'm following a course for eplan.
On our laptops we have the latest eplan version and a full license dongle in the back.
Can somenone please provide me a how to and the tools to dump this dongles
Thx in advance
This week i'm following a course for eplan.
On our laptops we have the latest eplan version and a full license dongle in the back.
Can somenone please provide me a how to and the tools to dump this dongles
Thx in advance
- Posts: 894
- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:00 am
- Location: Russia
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Dongle monitoring/dumping tools you can find here: http://www.dongla.net/download.htmlCan somenone please provide me a how to and the tools to dump this dongles
This topic will be helpful: http://www.reteam.org/board/archive/ind ... t-565.html
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:19 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Thx for the info
I've been busy the last 24h to try the dump al te sticks but it doesn't seem to work.
Ive tried toro and i get the errors 2 and 6
I cant monitor anything.
Its on a original xp sp3 system
On a vmware session it is te same story.
Does someone know this problem?
Or is it something else that i have to take in account?
I would be a shame not be able to dump . These dongles are fully licensed.
I've been busy the last 24h to try the dump al te sticks but it doesn't seem to work.
Ive tried toro and i get the errors 2 and 6
I cant monitor anything.
Its on a original xp sp3 system
On a vmware session it is te same story.
Does someone know this problem?
Or is it something else that i have to take in account?
I would be a shame not be able to dump . These dongles are fully licensed.
- Posts: 894
- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:00 am
- Location: Russia
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
I will try with my dongle tomorrow and send you "step-by-step" procedure and needed software.
But my dongle is for e-Plan 1.9 , maybe they had changed protector already.
But my dongle is for e-Plan 1.9 , maybe they had changed protector already.
- Posts: 894
- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:00 am
- Location: Russia
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
1. HASP HL Drivers: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/H ... _setup.zip
Download, install it and restart PC
2. ToRo Alladine Dongle Monitor: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/haspmon32.zip
Download and install it. Find in UsbFilter "UsbFilter_Install.inf". Right-click it and select "Install" from the context menue. Restart PC on request
3. Run ToRo Alladine Dongle Monitor and run ePlan. In the TORO's log window see for Hardlock_In MODAD.
Write down MODAD
4. Download and unpack HL Dump: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/hl-dump.zip
Run hl-dump.exe. Type your MODAD and press Enter (hex or decimal, better decimal).
Wait when dumping finished, it wil takes a few minutes
5. At the end of dumping type description (e.g. "eplan") and press enter to close console
6. You will find MYLOCK.REG in same folder where hl-dump.exe
7. Download and launch MyLock FST Builder: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/m ... uilder.zip
and convert your .REG to .FST
8. Create new folder (let's call it "eCrack") and copy there MYLOCK.FST
9. Copy all .EGF files from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EPLAN\Common\ (C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\Common in Win7/Vista) to eCrack
10. Download hardlock emulator: http://www.eplan-eb2.ys168.com/
and copy hardlock.sys and SETUP.BAT to eCrack as well
1. HASP HL Drivers: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/H ... _setup.zip
Download, install it and restart PC
2. ToRo Alladine Dongle Monitor: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/haspmon32.zip
Download and install it. Find in UsbFilter "UsbFilter_Install.inf". Right-click it and select "Install" from the context menue. Restart PC on request
3. Run ToRo Alladine Dongle Monitor and run ePlan. In the TORO's log window see for Hardlock_In MODAD.
Write down MODAD
4. Download and unpack HL Dump: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/hl-dump.zip
Run hl-dump.exe. Type your MODAD and press Enter (hex or decimal, better decimal).
Wait when dumping finished, it wil takes a few minutes
5. At the end of dumping type description (e.g. "eplan") and press enter to close console
6. You will find MYLOCK.REG in same folder where hl-dump.exe
7. Download and launch MyLock FST Builder: http://www.dongla.net/storage/dongles/m ... uilder.zip
and convert your .REG to .FST
8. Create new folder (let's call it "eCrack") and copy there MYLOCK.FST
9. Copy all .EGF files from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EPLAN\Common\ (C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\Common in Win7/Vista) to eCrack
10. Download hardlock emulator: http://www.eplan-eb2.ys168.com/
and copy hardlock.sys and SETUP.BAT to eCrack as well
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:19 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Special thanks to you Linkinx64, for your time and effort!!!
Unfortunately in the classroom, someone has noticed the things i was doing and during the lunchbreak he talked about it at the table.
The teacher was immediately suspicious and all of our laptops were taken and placed in front of the classroom.
And all afternoon long he came checking our pc's to see what we where doing.
I'm really sorry that i couldn't make it in time.
Unfortunately in the classroom, someone has noticed the things i was doing and during the lunchbreak he talked about it at the table.
The teacher was immediately suspicious and all of our laptops were taken and placed in front of the classroom.
And all afternoon long he came checking our pc's to see what we where doing.
I'm really sorry that i couldn't make it in time.
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hello u all,
I do get an error message on step 1
after that i get an error message at step 3, but this is OK, as I have not fulfilled step 1
please advice. I am running win 7 64 bit Ultimate
many thanks!
The walkthrough of Interlock works 100%
I do get an error message on step 1
after that i get an error message at step 3, but this is OK, as I have not fulfilled step 1
please advice. I am running win 7 64 bit Ultimate
many thanks!
The walkthrough of Interlock works 100%
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
I tried to install following instructions but I don't get full license. When I start the EPLAN_Electric_P8_2.0_Emulator and run the setup.bat it says Hardlock is running. What do I wrong?
Note: When I installed eplan p8 1.9.10 and try to run the hardlock emulator I get error message 1275.
I have windows 7 64bit home edition.
Could someone help me please?
Note: When I installed eplan p8 1.9.10 and try to run the hardlock emulator I get error message 1275.
I have windows 7 64bit home edition.
Could someone help me please?
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
open command prompt
write "net stop hardlock"
then do what is in "Interlock's" post (the top of the page)
then it should work
if it's not working, open again cmd and write "net start hardlock".
keep us posted
Does anyone have any idea about other license keys available in internet for EPLAN? I really need a license key with the Autocad Inventor modules.
Many thanks.
write "net stop hardlock"
then do what is in "Interlock's" post (the top of the page)
then it should work
if it's not working, open again cmd and write "net start hardlock".
keep us posted
Does anyone have any idea about other license keys available in internet for EPLAN? I really need a license key with the Autocad Inventor modules.
Many thanks.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:38 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hi,I have a lot of problem to install Dongle Emulator.
During the installation of HUSP_HL_Driver I have a message "Installation Failed"
During the USBFilter Installation,click dx - install, I have not problem but when restart I have a problem with the startup and The Toro Alladin Dongles Monitor don't connect.I have this message
My System is WIN7 64Bit
Can you helpme?
I need,if is possible,the procedure that i can tested with my machine.
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
download this EPLAN_Electric_P8 2.0 Emulator(2010-08-25).rar from http://www.eplan-eb2.ys168.com/
run setup.bat
if it does not work, PM me
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
can someboady please post a link to the license key. It's written that it also contains some aditional options for Autocad Inventor
Many thanks
- Posts: 17
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hi all,
I can't work with Eplan.Dongle Emulator installation isn't good.I have test again Toro Emulator connection but the result in terrible.I have test on another PC with the same result.
Are you sure that fine well in win 7 64 bit.
Please help me
I can't work with Eplan.Dongle Emulator installation isn't good.I have test again Toro Emulator connection but the result in terrible.I have test on another PC with the same result.
Are you sure that fine well in win 7 64 bit.
Please help me
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
On Windows XP SP3 x86 it works fine - tested. Should work on Win7 x32 as well.BULBO wrote:I have test again Toro Emulator connection but the result in terrible.I have test on another PC with the same result.
Are you sure that fine well in win 7 64 bit.
64-bit Windows require 64-bit drivers (kernel-mode drivers at least), so it may influence on Toro.
Dump your dongle with Windows XP. Later converted .reg-file (.fst-file) with hardlock emulator can be used on Win7 x86 7 x64.
- Posts: 17
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Ok thanks,I have no problem with XP.EPL 2.0.9 work fine.
Can you show me which is the procedure?
My-lock Builder is the right program for .reg/.fst
Can you show me which is the procedure?
My-lock Builder is the right program for .reg/.fst
- Posts: 4
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
@sadefa there is no such file on that website. I have already de setup.bat file, when I run this it says hardlock is running but I stille have no license. I have tested on a win7 x86 and works fine. But win7 64 bit does not work.
@Linkinx64 which driver do we need to install? Where can I download the driver?
@Linkinx64 which driver do we need to install? Where can I download the driver?
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Toro dongle monitor uses Usb Filter driver. Driver name: AladdinUsbFilter.sysLars1111 wrote:which driver do we need to install? Where can I download the driver?
I think no such driver for 64-bit yet. I not found it in search engines.. (Google, Bing, Yandex etc.) So, I think at the moment dongle dump can be done with 32-bit Windows only...
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Many many thanks.I wait new driver.I reinstall XP and work with this.If you have a news,please contact me.
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
well there is something that might make your EPLAN work on 64x. I have a 64x and it works. read my previous postLinkinx64 wrote:Toro dongle monitor uses Usb Filter driver. Driver name: AladdinUsbFilter.sysLars1111 wrote:which driver do we need to install? Where can I download the driver?
I think no such driver for 64-bit yet. I not found it in search engines.. (Google, Bing, Yandex etc.) So, I think at the moment dongle dump can be done with 32-bit Windows only...
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
EPLAN and EPLAN emulator work with x64. Toro doesn't work.sadefa wrote:well there is something that might make your EPLAN work on 64x.
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
YES! It works I don't know what I did wrong but it works finally!
Thanks guys for this great up!
Thanks guys for this great up!
- Posts: 17
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Hi all,
I don't understand but with win 7 64 i can't works fine.Licence manager don't see the key.
Please give me the exatly procedure for win 7 64bit.
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Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Use this:
I personally tested this and it works 100%. Follow every step that's into the manual and it will work.English http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... 0%23p41070
Under W7 x64 native tablet does not work - if you disable UAC hardlock not start - issued a system error 1275, but ...
All earned by W7 Ultimate x64. The drug took away: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0 .
The only thing I would like - to correct statement:
For normal installation, you must disable UAC.
1. Install Eplan P8, required setting the "management rights" from the "examples / basic data" if the installation does not deliver, it just pops up and the message: "Information Rights Management is currently unavailable. The database file is missing or broken access to the file. As to infringement can not be established unequivocally, it is impossible to run the program.
2. Copy the license file (SN-U10225.EGF) from folder to folder EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 C: \ User \ Public \ Eplan \ Common \;
3. Remove driver protection HL Hasp Control Panel - Programs and Features (Right-click on Eplan License Manager - Edit, then do the hardware key driver is unavailable);
4. Install newer drivers HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. 5189.reg run the file and add data to the registry;
6. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd;
7. Run a test mode in Windows 7 x64 dseo13b.exe running the program and the radio button for "Enable Test Mode".
By the way, just note that here also provides the opposite effect "Disable Test Mode", disable the test mode;
8. In one corner will display "Test Mode Windows 7 Rekease 7600;
9. 9. Run the program dseo13b.exe;
10. 10. Add a digital signature for the driver Multikey.
To do this, select "Sign a System File" and enter the filename including the full path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ multikey.sys, test mode does not turn off!
11. Reboot your computer;
12. Start the EPLAN Electric P8 and enjoy his work
In Russian In RussianShowПод W7 x64 родная таблетка не действует - при отключении UAC hardlock не запускается - выдается системная ошибка 1275, но...
Под W7 Ultimate x64 все заработало. Лекарство взял отсюда: http://depositfiles.com/files/69h5ibih0.
Единственное что хотелось бы - поправить инструкцию:
Для нормальной установки необходимо отключить UAC.
1. Устанавливаем Eplan P8, обязательно установив "управление правами" из раздела "примеры/основные данные" если при установке не поставить, то как раз и выскакивает сообщение: "Данные управления правами в настоящий момент недоступны. Файл базы данных отсутствует, либо нарушен доступ к этому файлу. Поскольку причину нарушения не удается установить однозначно, запустить программу невозможно."
2. Копируем файл лицензии (SN-U10225.EGF) из папки EPLAN_P8_2.0_patch_Windows_x32x64 в папку C:\User\Public\Eplan\Common\;
3. Удаляем драйвер защиты HL Hasp в Панель управления - Программы и компоненты(правой кнопкой по Eplan License Manager - Изменить, далее сделать недоступным драйвер аппаратного ключа);
4. Устанавливаем более новые драйвера HASPUserSetup.exe;
5. Запускаем файл 5189.reg и добавляем данные в реестр;
6. Запускаем установку драйвера Multikey - эмулятора из папки Release\MultiKey64\install.cmd;
7. Включаем тестовый режим Windows 7 x64 запустив программу dseo13b.exe и установив переключатель в положение "Enable Test Mode". Кстати, сразу отметим, что здесь же предусмотрено обратное действие "Disable Test Mode", отключающее тестовый режим;
8. Перезагружаем компьютер. В углу появится надпись “Тестовый режим Windows 7 Cборка 7600”;
9. Запускаем программу dseo13b.exe;
10. Добавляем цифровую подпись для драйвера Multikey. Для этого выбираем "Sign a System File" и вводим имя файла, включая полный путь C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\multikey.sys, тестовый режим не выключаем!!!
11. Перезагружаем компьютер;
12. Запускаем EPLAN Electric P8 и наслаждаемся его работой
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:38 pm
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
Thanks.Work fine.
My problem was with UAC.I solve and now work.
how can I repay?
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:06 pm
Re: [LINK]: EPLAN Electric_P8_2.0_SP1_2.0.9.4831
http://www.ecae.co.kr/download/Electric ... 9.4831.zip
http://www.ecae.co.kr/download/Trial_Li ... wnload.zip
This link is fast speed, But without license.
Please upload license.
Thank you.
http://www.ecae.co.kr/download/Trial_Li ... wnload.zip
This link is fast speed, But without license.
Please upload license.
Thank you.
Last edited by shl235 on Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 83
- Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:30 am
- Location: Europe
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
the old one works fine with this version also
- Posts: 35
- Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:04 pm
- Location: Iran
Re: [LINK]: Eplan P8 + Crack
plz rapid link
- Posts: 894
- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:00 am
- Location: Russia
[LINK]: Eplan P8 SP1 + Crack
Torrent link: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3452709
FF relinks + Win64 fix (1.08Gb ≈ 6x185 MB):
http://www.filefactory.com/file/704x8c4 ... .part1.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/39to1p0 ... .part2.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/4uvurzj ... .part3.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/qiujfjz ... .part4.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/143g7lk ... .part5.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/6fl4acu ... .part6.rar
FF relinks + Win64 fix (1.08Gb ≈ 6x185 MB):
http://www.filefactory.com/file/704x8c4 ... .part1.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/39to1p0 ... .part2.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/4uvurzj ... .part3.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/qiujfjz ... .part4.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/143g7lk ... .part5.rar
http://www.filefactory.com/file/6fl4acu ... .part6.rar
Last edited by Linkinx64 on Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:20 am, edited 8 times in total.