Autem PLC Analyzer Pro 5 solution

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Autem PLC Analyzer Pro 5 solution

Post by ming_tj »

Hi, everyone,
1. Autem PLC Analyzer Pro 5 running under Win7, Win10 both 32/64Bit absolutely, but attation: you should copy
svcrypt.dll,syczpia.dll ---->...:\windows\system32 (on X86 system)
---->...:\windwos\sysWOW64 (on X64 system)
please note it: \windows\system32 under 64 bit system are used for 64 Bit System files only!.

2. most of you may not start program after update after version V5.4, the solution to update from V5.5 till last V5.80 is, use e.g. WinRAR to unpack the update package, replace the WkDongleSetup.exe with the small one form version 5.4 or before. Any error message during update is not so important.

3. If you can not start the Program(no GUI displayed), you should uninstall the Programm, and delete anything related in registrie(use RegWorkShop e.g.), maybe also other files related in system partition.
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