[?]: CX-PROGRAMMER after Simatic Step7

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[?]: CX-PROGRAMMER after Simatic Step7

Post by alekbeck »

I need some help with my PLC program!
I am having trouble understanding how CX-PROGRAMMER works.
All my PLC knowledge is based on Simatic Step7 and FBD programming.
I have read many guides but I still have trouble understanding the addresses.
The digital inputs address is for example
  • Step7 I 128.0 .. ,
  • Omron 00.00 – 15.15 ?

The digital output address is for example
  • Step7 Q 128.0 .. ,
  • Omron 100.00 – 115.15 ?

When programming in simatic I often use memory’s , for example M0.0.
If the value is INT or REAl I use MW1 ( M0.0 – M1.7) or MD1 (M0.0 – M3.7) .
How do I do this in CX-Programming ?
I’ve found that workbits is from 16.00 – 89.15.
Do I write W16 ?

My biggest problem is handling analog signals.
I am trying to make a program where I regulate the airflow.
In simatic I would scale the 0-10V input signal into 0-100 %.
I would then used a PID self tuner for then to unscale it back to 0-10v.
I have found the PIDAT block but I cant find any information about the parameters.
Could enyone help me with a example ?
The PLC im using is CJ1M
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Re: [?]: CX-PROGRAMMER after Simatic Step7

Post by sania »

alekbeck wrote:If the value is INT or REAl I use MW1 ( M0.0 – M1.7)
s7 adresing is base byte,omron-word
omron adressing is all-in-one(in,out,memory=0.00-(i think)32767.00)
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Re: [?]: CX-PROGRAMMER after Simatic Step7

Post by gigi10 »

hi alekbeck

CX-Programmer contains very poor dokumentation about instructions - on Omron pages find this manual:
W340-E1-11 (W340 is important, E means english, 11 is version)
This manual is about instructions and memory adressing in CS/CJ plc
For analog cards you need manual number W345-E1-05...

Both (all Omron's) manuals have hundred's pages... :D


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Programming OMRON PLC

Post by Homeroid_BL »

Plesa use a proper OPERATING MANUAL adn PROGRAMMING of the Omron PLC you want to use. You will fnd a detailed explanation there. Easy! (not like a Siemens, ugh!)