[?]: communication between pc and plc

CX-One, CX programmer, NTST, Syswin ....
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[?]: communication between pc and plc

Post by valtermercurio »


In the communication between a pc with cx one and a plc omron cj1m or cqm1h, the view on line is not in the real time (there is a delay of 1 or 2 seconds).
I used a usb converter cs1w-cif31 and the cable cs1w-cn626.
Is there any way to improve this situation?

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Re: [?]: communication between pc and plc

Post by Homeroid_BL »

1. Try to use a serial port on CPU (CIF31 + home-made PLC serial cable), if its avaibile and free. CJ1M serial port speed is 115,2K max
2. Try to use latest version od CIF31 driver

But, You must have some latency (0,2 sec approx).