[?]: Wincc flex display error, alarms code of Simodrive611u

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[?]: Wincc flex display error, alarms code of Simodrive611u

Post by ryanbestgarcia »

What is the easy way to display the Alarm and Error codes of Simodrive611u in HMI using WinccFlex.
The PLC is S7-300 and the fieldbus is Profibus...

Can I used With SFB53 "WRREC" (write record) transfer a data record with the
number INDEX to a DP slave device component (Simodrive611u) defined by ID and with the SFB52 "RDREC" (read record) read a data record with the number
INDEX from a component (Simodrive611u).

I have a project before using this SFB in displaying Micromaster 4 alarms and error in TP277...this was a sample project from siemens website...
There is also a sample project for Simodrive named "toolbox_110201"... using this FB 83 Simodrive control, but i only want to display the alarms and warning to make my program simple...

here is the simple program for micromaster to display in HMI from siemens and this have corresponding data blocks.
Is it also possible for simodrive to get the alarms and warnings only?

Code: Select all

network 1
       L     MW     0                    // MW0 includes the control word 1 which comes from the variable table VAT_1
      T     PQW  256                    // transfers into the PCD1 word (address --> STEP7 HW Config)

      L     MW     2                    // MW2 includes the main frequency setpoint which comes from the variable table VAT_1
      T     PQW  258                    // transfers it into the PCD2 word (address --> STEP7 HW Config)

      L     PIW  256                    // reads the status word 1 (ZSW1) from PCD1
      T     MW     4                    // transfers it into the MW4 

      L     PIW  258                    // reads the actual frequency (HIW) from PCD2
      T     MW     6                    // transfers it into the MW6 

Code: Select all

network 2

CALL  "WRREC" , "InstanceDB_SFB53"    // call SFB53
       REQ   :=M8.0                     // REQ = 1: Transfer data record
       ID    :=DW#16#1FF7               // PAP address (HW-Config)
       INDEX :=47                       // Data record number 47
       LEN   :=16                       // maximum byte length of the data record to be transferred
       DONE  :=M14.0                    // Data record was transferred
       BUSY  :=M8.1                     // BUSY = 1: The write process is not yet terminated
       ERROR :=M14.2                    // ERROR = 1: A write error has occurred
       STATUS:=MD10                     // Block status or error information
       RECORD:=P#DB1.DBX0.0 BYTE 16     // Data record (first 16 bytes of the DB1)

      A     M      8.1                  // if writing is active
      R     M      8.0                  // no new request available

Code: Select all

Network 3
 CALL  "RDREC" , "InstanceDB_SFB52"    // call SFB52
       REQ   :=M8.2                     // REQ = 1: Transfer data record
       ID    :=DW#16#1FF7               // PAP address (HW-Config)
       INDEX :=47                       // Data record number 47
       MLEN  :=54                       // maximum length in bytes of the data record information to be fetched
       VALID :=M16.0                    // New data record was received and valid
       BUSY  :=M8.3                     // BUSY = 1: The read process is not yet terminated
       ERROR :=M16.2                    // ERROR = 1: A read error has occurred
       STATUS:=MD18                     // Block status or error information
       LEN   :=MW22                     // Length of the fetched data record information
       RECORD:=P#DB2.DBX0.0 BYTE 54     // Target area for the fetched data record

      A     M      8.3                  // if reading is active
      R     M      8.2                  // no new request available