Before reconstruction concrete plant have extractor belt for weighing and transport agregates to skip-agregate transporter to mixer- (4 agregates separately dossage on weighing system on extractor belt - 4 cells ),
and after emptied belt,
belt stop,
skip go up to mixer.
When skip go up, agregate dossage go on to belt and waiting for skip to go down etc.
Old automation with CQM1H CPU51 suport these system.
Now, after reconstruction we removimg belt and put 4 cells on skip and agregate dossage go directly to skip weighing system.
Here is the problem- agregates,cement ,water and aditives dosing corectly- but skip wouldn't go up.
We tried to do changes on program but nothing.
I send you images pieces of old program and maybe you can help me, and if you want contact me on PM and I can sand you all program.

Please help me!!!
THANKS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!