hi all.
I would like if possible lines of program to create touch-panel programmable weekly timer. With a CJ1M plc, and a touch panel ns.
It is asking too much. I need some examples of timer to get an idea of how do it.
Thanks to all
[?]: weekly timer with cj1m PLC and ns touchpanel
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Re: [?]: weekly timer with cj1m PLC and ns touchpanel
It is not a 'few lines' routine.
Follow these steps to make your onw program:
1. get system time and date and disassemble it to Year Month Day DayOfTheWeek Hour Minute Second (seven data). You will use only 4 data: DayOfTheWeek Hour Minute Second
2. For each event you want to execute only ONCE a week, you will need two data sets( 4 data for start time, 4 data for stop time).
3. Make a dropdown list on NS to choose DayOfTheWeek, and input fileds for Hour, Minute, Second (two of those for one event once a week).
Then make a ladder like this:
IF DayOfTheWeekSTART<DayOfTheWeek<DayOfTheWeekSTOP and HourSTART<Hour<HourSTOP and MinuteSTART<Minute<MinuteSTOP and SecondSTART<Second<SecondSTOP then OUTPUT Ev1WorkingTime
Hope you understand this.
Best regards!
Then you can develop further you application.
It is not a 'few lines' routine.
Follow these steps to make your onw program:
1. get system time and date and disassemble it to Year Month Day DayOfTheWeek Hour Minute Second (seven data). You will use only 4 data: DayOfTheWeek Hour Minute Second
2. For each event you want to execute only ONCE a week, you will need two data sets( 4 data for start time, 4 data for stop time).
3. Make a dropdown list on NS to choose DayOfTheWeek, and input fileds for Hour, Minute, Second (two of those for one event once a week).
Then make a ladder like this:
IF DayOfTheWeekSTART<DayOfTheWeek<DayOfTheWeekSTOP and HourSTART<Hour<HourSTOP and MinuteSTART<Minute<MinuteSTOP and SecondSTART<Second<SecondSTOP then OUTPUT Ev1WorkingTime
Hope you understand this.
Best regards!
Then you can develop further you application.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:49 pm
Re: [?]: weekly timer with cj1m PLC and ns touchpanel
Thank you....... Itest this.