If more than 10 then raise an output.
I thought I had this done but I don't think I handle the expiration of the first motor start.
Code: Select all
time 0 motor start (Count 1)
time 10 min motor start (Count 2)
time 15 min motor start (Count 3)
time 20 min motor start (Count 4)
time 25 min motor start (Count 5)
time 35 min motor start (Count 6)
time 45 min motor start (Count 7)
time 50 min motor start (Count 8)
time 55 min motor start (Count 9)
time 65 min motor start (Count 9) because Count 1 is expired (greater than 1 hour ago)
time 69 min motor start (Count 10) RAISE Alarm output
I thought using a countdown timer which adds on each motor start but what would be high trigger if you had 10 hits within 10 minutes
i.e. first trigger add to count and store current time stamp in datablock and start countdown timer with 60 if countdown is zero.
second trigger add to count and store current time stamp in datablock and add to countdown timer (current time - previous time)
if countdown time > ????? then alarm.
Thoughts or examples please.