there is not such FC / FB / SFC / SFB.
Can i ask you why do you need do that?
I once had a discussion with a coworker about this. I knew it was not useful (except to save the final values of a DB after starting the machine and can be used as reference values). So I searched a bit online and found this:
"The initial value is only configured once for a data block or for a newly declared variable data block. If the variable already exists, the actual value is unaffected by any change in the initial value. The only value of significance to the CPU is the value in the column headed "Actual value". Even if the initial value is also loaded onto the CPU and can be monitored there in online mode, this value is not used by the CPU."
source (What is the significance of the initial and actual values of a data block?):
http://support.automation.siemens.com/W ... reecontent
One way to save the initial value in the actual value is creating a source from DB and write manually the data (as explained in the link).
Another way is to automate the procedure using the command interface of S7 and write a program (in excel for instance) that read the offline DB in excel (reading the s7 project file), then read all the actual values (online) of this DB via OPC and write them in excel and finally save the created DB from excel to the S7 project (you can do all this with the S7 command interface even compile automatically the DB). Finally you must download the new DB to PLC (check before that the DB to download is correct and of course ALWAYS MAKE AN UPLOAD BEFORE TO DO ANY CHANGES IN PLC!!!)
I did this once and it works
but the problem was that i cannot handle all the data types (strings, arrays and UDT were not supported by my program
). Anyway I only did this to learn the s7 command interface because if you read the link above you can realize that saving the actual values as initial values is useless.
Make this program is not easy task because you need to create the OPC syntax for all the data you need to read from online PLC (using your OPC server syntax and for all the data types you need to handle). Of course is not impossible do this, I only say that is a bit difficult because you have to understand how to program the OPC client (in excel for instance) very well and the s7 command interface too.
Search in google for s7 command interface or in CD2 step7 you can find help on S7 Command Interface. Also you can find useful to find on internet this file Create_S7DB_V11.xls (you can use it as starting point and also to see the use of the S7 command interface)
I hope this will be useful.
good luck!! and sorry by my bad english