I am trying to read some parameters from Sinamics G150 drive using this example:
How do I control a G120 using the system functions SFC58 and SFC59?
I’m using the same program given in an example, but I can’t read any parameters from drive.
In SFC58 and 59 RET_VAL output I get alternating 7001 and 7002 codes.
As far as I understand these code only informational.
My Hardware is configured and working properly. There is no error indication either on drive or PLC.
I know that also because, I can send control word and set point to drive and can receive status word and actual frequency(standard telegram 1 2/2 PZD).
On drive side I’ve set only profibus address no other changes have been made.
Do I have to change anything else to make this work?
What can be wrong here?