tip: block passwords in tia portal can ony be set in one session: if you close the block and reopen the button is greyed out.
tried using ollidbg but got dizzy.
My other approach was using content comparison between the project/system/PEData.idx(plf) files before and after intoducing/changing the password.
Passwords can be quite long so a brute force approach would be inconvenient.
Scenario 1: you have your designed software on your pc and you forgot the password of your ob1 function block.
Scenario 2: you access a s7-1200 plc in a factory and need to modify the recipe parameters and add a fail-safe functionality to the existing program. The cpu is read/write protected and the function block is password protected. The whole soft is saved on the plc memory.
Here is a sample project with passwords all over it for a s7-1214 http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/390795/newp.zip
Most of the passwords are long so a brute force attempt would take alot of time.
the passwords are:
something like Passw0rdPr)tect or PasswordProtected for the processor
the main function: I actually forgot this one, should be a long string
Kn0wH)w for the datablock
"password" for Bleeper function
pa55w0rd for ownedscl function
something like Passw0rdPr)tect or PasswordProtected for the processor
the main function: I actually forgot this one, should be a long string
Kn0wH)w for the datablock
"password" for Bleeper function
pa55w0rd for ownedscl function