Profibus FMS Siemens CP343-5 Indramat MT200

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Profibus FMS Siemens CP343-5 Indramat MT200

Post by KapimMiura »

Hello Experts,

In my project, we have 4 CPU Indramat MT200 communicating with 1 CPU s7 300 via CP343-5 in profibus FMS (master -master acyclic) where the CPU siemens will be a central server .
The problem is that the Indramat CPUs are demanding KR information (communication reference number in germany language) to accept the data to be received . And this information ( KR number) have no where to put (at least not found in siemens manuals).
Is there a way to mount a DB to put this data ( KR number) in the communication frame?

Detail >>> The CPU Siemens receives the datas ( written in DB reporting variable -mounted on the respective connection via NETPRO ) , but can not write on cpu Indramat due to lack of KR number (explained above).

Another option would be to reconfigure the network profibus FMS with new values ​​, but this is the Profibus configuration software Indramat is necessary ( SWA- PC code * WNT -CFG - 01V00 -DE - C1,44 ). Someone would have this tool to send me? Or the download link?

Thanks in advance ...