[?]: Need a good solution for remote service on TI 505

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[?]: Need a good solution for remote service on TI 505

Post by dekor »

I have a TI 505 PLC for a plant.
Because the program in controller had some bug's, time to time is necessary
to be connected with PLC in debug mode of APT to change some values.
Some time is at 03:00 AM...., and I have to travel to factory to change the values.
I want to connect my laptop from an office, or my house to PC which is connected to PLC for entering in debug mode.
Then I want to take the control to this PC and entering in debug mode to solve the problem.
What I have checked until now:
1. I connect my laptop with PC by VNC program. The problem is that:
- the APT soft for TI 505 is a DOS application, and when I start the
application using laptop (remote by VNC) the DOS window become black
(without any text or object) on screen of my laptop.
Then that solution seems to not be good one.

2. I install the APT and the program on my laptop and I try to go on line
with the PLC using an Ethernet to serial adapter.
The ethernet to serial adapter work with other PC but not with PLC.

Dear friends please send me your suggestions or advices .