To reset the 4 day trial in proficy ME create the following batch file:
Code: Select all
@Echo off
Echo GEFuck, version 0.0 courtesy of Beavis
REG ADD HKLM\Software\Taylor\Workbench\Configuration /v CurrentMessage /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d {91BEDA33-ABD5-4B98-9F34-2549C7871160} /f >nul
REG ADD HKLM\Software\Taylor\Workbench\Configuration /v LastMessage /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d {651EAA2E-B8DC-4418-976E-5F525D63BA42} /f >nul
REG DELETE HKLM\Software\Taylor\Workbench\Configuration /v Size /f >nul
cd "%programfiles%\GE Fanuc\Proficy Machine Edition\Common\IDE\"
start "" "%programfiles%\GE Fanuc\Proficy Machine Edition\Common\IDE\FrameworX.exe"
Echo Thanks.
Tested in ME 5.7; should work on above versions as well.
You can use this batch to start ME instead of provided icon.